Easy Kamut Cranberry Bread Recipe

Easy Kamut Cranberry Bread

Most people have never heard of the ancient grain named ‘Kamut’. Kamut pronounced ‘ka-moot’ is the trademarked name for Khorasan wheat, It is an ancient non-hybridized wheat variety from Egypt.  

Modern wheat is a genetically modified mix of different wheats and grasses and which has been overly hybridized to produce greater yields.  It is rich in vitamins minerals and antioxidants, It twice the size of regular wheat. 

If you have consumed Kamut, and loved its taste, but have no clue about how to bake or cook with it. Dig into this article to learn more about Kamut and how you can create a terrific bread namely Kamut Bread with a Cranberry and Walnut Twist.

Instead of consuming regular wheat, dig into this article to know more about what is Kamut and how you can make tasty and healthy Kamut Bread.  


But Before That, Let’s Learn About Its’ Nutritional Value

It is always essential to know the composition and nutritional value of food before gulping it. Kamut is a pretty ancient variety of wheat that has more allocation of protein, minerals, and vitamins than regular wheat.  


100 grams of uncooked Kamut has the following composition:

  1. Protein: 14.5 g
  2. Carbs: 70.6 g
  3. Energy: 337 kcal
  4. Fat: 2.13 g
  5. Fibre: 11.1 g
  6. Iron: 3.77 mg
  7. Calcium: 22 mg
  8. Magnesium: 130 mg
  9. Phosphorus: 364 mg
  10. Potassium: 403 mg
  11. Sodium: 5 mg
  12. Manganese: 2.74 mg
  13. Zinc: 3.68 mg
  14. Selenium: 81.5 ug


A Brief History Of Kamut

Kamut has travelled all the from Egypt where it was first grown. The grain was once cultivated in the high-yielding bow-shaped area situated between Egypt and the Tigris-Euphrates valley. Post World War II, a pilot got their hands on a few grains present in the ancient burial chamber. Therefore, you might also find Kamut known as King Tuts’ wheat or Pharaoh’s grain. This was followed by a wheat farmer in Montana who planted and harvested the grains. And today, it is popularly known as Kamut.


Kamut carries a unique taste because of which it becomes quite tasty to consume. You can simply make yourself some delectable breads with Kamut flour or bake them into cookies, muffins, cakes, and more. Many are substituting it with their regular flour.


A Few Health Benefits of Kamut

Planning to include Kamut bread recipes in your diet? Go through some of its health benefits.


  1. It is quite favorable for bone development and maintenance
  2. Boosts digestive system
  3. It lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  4. It helps in weight loss
  5. It regulates hormones


How To Make Delectable Kamut Bread with Cranberry and Walnut?

This ancient grind of Khorasan wheat offers a soothing colour and soft texture to the Kamut bread. And, the blend of Kamut bread with Cranberry and Walnut will completely make you go crazy over the dish.


Prep Time:

Active Time: 10 Minutes

Baking Time: 35 Minutes

Total Time: 2 Hours 20 Minutes


  1. ½ cup almond flour
  2. 2 ½ cups Kamut flour
  3. 2 tbsp flax seed
  4. 2 tsp instant yeast
  5. 1 tsp olive oil
  6. 1 cup + 2 tbsp of lukewarm water
  7. ½ cup Cranberries
  8. ¼ cup Walnuts



  1. Weigh or measure the flour by tenderly spooning it into a cup, and then wiping out any excess. Follow it up by blending it all in a large bowl or the bucket of the bread machine.
  2. Roast the walnuts for added flavor and some dried cranberries. Mix the same with the dough.
  3. Then, do some arm workouts by mixing it well till the dough is even and supple. You can choose to add extra liquid or all-purpose flour as required.
  4. Place the dough in a softly oiled bowl and let it rise for about an hour till it gets puffy. If in the bread machine, let it finish its dough cycle.
  5. Then, turn the dough onto a gently greased work surface, and design it into an 8” log.
  6. Put the log in a gently oiled loaf pan, adhering to its shape.
  7. Shield the pan and let the loaf ascent up to 40 to 60 minutes. As the rising time reaches the end, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  8. This is the second last step where you would be required to bake the bread for about 30 to 40 minutes till you notice it getting golden brown with its internal temperature reading 190 degrees F on an instant-read thermometer. Now, just shift it from the oven, and keep it cool.

You can choose to blend the cranberries and walnuts with the dough or have it separately as munchies- the choice is yours.


Different Ways To Including Kamut In Your Diet

Kamut can be baked or cooked.


  1. You can choose to cook Kamut grains and add to salads as you would quinoa. Or top it off with seasonal fruits of your choice.
  2. You can also put Kamut grains in your stews and soups
  3. You can consume it in the form of baked foods like pancakes, waffles, bread and more.


Kamut bread is a wholesome food that can be consumed with numerous sides. Especially with the current generation shifting towards healthy and natural eating, Kamut is indeed a great choice. Experiment with it by mixing it with your soup, stews, salads, and more.


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